
Installation Instructions

The usage of the console version:

The console version of CTDBtoSTF is a command line program that takes a set of options, the name of an existing CTDB to convert and the name of the created STF.


Any combination of these options can be specified from the command line. If no options are specified then '-all' is implied.

The first argument after the options (if there is any) is the name of the existing CTDB. The extension for this file can be "c7l", "c7b", "m7l" or "m7b". The "l" indicates a little endian CTDB, while the "b" indicates big endian. Little endian CTDBs can only be converted on little endian machines, such as Windows or Linux running on x86 processors. Likewise, big endian CTDBs can only be converted on big endian machines, such as SGIs or Suns.

The final argument is the name for the created SEDRIS transmittal with the ".stf" extension.

The usage of the GUI version:

The GUI version of CTDBtoSTF provides a graphic interface for user to input options, the name of an existing CTDB to convert and the name of the created STF. Please refer to the usage of console version for the explanation of the options.

Please keep in mind that the GUI version of CTDBtoSTF is simply a wrapper of the command line version. Once a user enters all required fields and hits the "Convert" button, the CTDBtoSTF GUI will try to launch "ctdbtostf.exe" (on Windows) or "ctdbtostf" (on Linux) under the same directory where the gui executable is located. So, before running the GUI, please make sure:

For other questions, send a request to [email protected].

Last updated: September 25, 2007