Fact Sheet: _GRIB
to STF Converter
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This free tool creates an STF from either a set of GRIB (gridded binary)
messages or METGM (meteorological grid format) messages.
GRIB is a World Meteorological Organization (WMO) standard
format used for thr transfer of gridded atmospheric and oceanographic data as described
in WMO 306, volume 1.2, part B, 2001. METGM is a NATO standard for the exchange of meteorological information, STANAG 6022.
The current release version of this application is
SEDRIS 4.1.1 compliant.
The application is linked statically, and additional
documentation is included in the download. You do not need to download
or install the SEDRIS SDK to use this tool.
- The application is executed from the command line prompt.
- Mapping files are required to execute the application. The content of the mapping
files may need to be modified for site specific mappings. See the User's Guide
for detailed information.
- A metadata file is required to provide information not included in the data files but required for the
correct production of an STF.
- Supports Windows and Linux platforms.
- All of the data files to be included in the STF must be for the same grid.
- Currently, only latitude/longitude grids are supported.
- GRIB and METGM messages cannot be included in the same STF, and cannot be processed at the same time.
- Grid projection information must be included in the Grid Description section of the GRIB message, section 2.
- Currently, only uniformly gridded data is supported. The vertical axis may be either constant height surfaces
or constant pressure surfaces.
- CPU - x86
- Memory - 256 MB or greater recommended
- Disk space - 30 Mb for application installation
- Operating system - Tested with Linux, and Win32.
- Other dependencies - None.
Send email to [email protected]
for questions or assistance in using this application.
As a minimum, please provide the following in your
- application name
- application version
- hardware architecture
- OS name and version
- detailed problem description
Last updated:_September
25, 2007