Quick Scroll To:
This free tool is acoustic data software packages designed to show how
the SEDRIS Read API can be used to extract data from a SEDRIS transmittal
in a form needed by data applications software.
This tool is being updated, since the last working
version is several revisions behind the current SEDRIS SDK release.
The application is linked statically, and additional
documentation is included in the download. You do not need to download
or install the SEDRIS SDK to use this tool.
- In the first software package, the user selects two points in the area
covered by the SEDRIS transmittal. The SEDRIS application software extracts
underwater environmental data along the great circle arc connecting the
two user selected points, via the SEDRIS Read API. This data, ocean sound
speed and bathymetry, is output in a file format suitable for the FeyRay
acoustic ray-trace program. That program produces a plot of sound speeds
and bottom depths, and sound raytrace paths in a postscript file format.
Finally the postscript plot is rendered to the viewer screen using a postscript
viewer, such as Ghostview or xv. These three steps (i.e., data extraction
from SEDRIS, ray trace processing, and plot rendering) are combined in
a single shell script for convenience.
- .
- In the second software package, the user selects the southwest and
northeast corners of a rectangular ocean surface area contained in the
SEDRIS transmittal. The SEDRIS application software uses the SEDRIS Read
API to extract bathymetry, sound speed, temperature, and salinity in the
ocean volume below the selected rectangular surface. This extracted data
is reformatted for the Vis5D data visualization application. Vis5D is then
run using the newly created data files. These two steps (i.e., data
extraction followed by Vis5D rendering) are combined in a single shell
script for convenience.
- Memory - TBA
- Disk space - TBA
- Operating system - TBA
- Other dependencies
- Vis5D and xv,
- Ghostview, or
- some other postscript file viewer is required for this application.
Send email to help@sedris.org
for questions or assistance in using this application.
As a minimum, please provide the following in your
- application name
- application version
- hardware architecture
- OS name and version
- detailed problem description
Coming Soon
This tool is being updated, since the last working
version is several revisions behind the current SEDRIS SDK release.