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DESCRIPTION This free tool provides the ability to view a SEDRIS transmittal in a graphical format. Using a Windows Explorer-style view, the various components and relationships are presented in an easily navigable format with little or no learning curve required. The contents of a transmittal are displayed in a tree, and the attributes of any object can be displayed by simply clicking on them.
RELEASE INFORMATION The current release is 3.1.2. This tool is SEDRIS 3.1.2 compliant. The application is linked statically, and additional documentation is included in the download. You do not need to download or install the SEDRIS SDK to use this tool.
FEATURES The Transmittal Browser provides easy access to SEDRIS transmittals for both browsing and debugging:
POINT OF CONTACT Send email to help@sedris.org for questions or assistance in using this application. As a minimum, please provide the following in your email: